Miranda Richey
"Great things are done by a series of small thing brought together."
~ Vincent Van Gogh
Thank you for viewing my portfolio. Of course, as you have seen, my name is Miranda and I'm a Florida native with a passion for the arts and a heart for travel. I am a graduate of the University of South Florida with my B.A. in Classics and Saint Leo University with my MBA in Project Management.
My day consists of continual studies, work, and creating. Sprinkled in are travel excursions, rain shower watching, and fairy tale binge readings. I am a functioning coffeeholic and animal lover. You can easily find me sipping a cup of cafe bustelo and writing or editing photos on my laptop. Currently, I'm learning Mandarin while experimenting with new photography ideas.
I enjoy being creative and making art for others, whether that be through empowering women through boudoir photography, developing wildlife photographs, scaling presentations, planning a creative project, decorating a living room or even baking a cake.
Creating is at the heart of what of I do and sometimes I take unconventional approach when it comes to beauty. I like to encourage everyone to see the beauty in and around them as it is a multifaceted concept.